Test your English knowledge now!
Vyplňte tento formulár a pošlite nám ho, budeme mať vzhľad a odporučí kurz vhodný pre vás:
Question 1:
Ako by ste sa predstavili 2-3 vetami. / Introduce yourself in 2-3 sentences.
Question 2:
Ako sa spýtate na cenu napr. knihy. Napíšte aspoň 2 možnosti. / How to ask about the price of a book. Write at least 2 possibilities.
Question 3:
Ako reagujete na otázku: „What´s up?“ / Your answer to „What´s up?“
Question 4:
Chcete otvoriť okno v miestnosti, kde sú iní ľudia. Spýtajte sa či môžete, či im to nevadí. / Ask the other people in the room, if you can open the window and if they don`t mind.
Question 5: He .......... to America 5 years ago.
Question 6: He's been living in London .......... ten years.
Question 7: After he .......... to his girlfriend, he telephoned his mother.
Question 8: Martin is very .......... by football.
Question 9: If you came to the party, you .......... it.
Question 10: Veta znie/Read: Peter looks after his parents. Vytvorte otázku na odpoveď/ Create question with the answer: His parents.
Nechajte nám kontakt na seba a my sa Vám ozveme.
Telephone: 055 62 599 81 · E-Mail: enpal@enpal.sk facebook page
Welcome to EnPAL Language School.
EnPAL Language School has been providing outstanding education in Kosice since 1999,
it is located close to the city centre. It provides public as well as company language courses, courses for children as well as for adults. Our teachers - Slovak or native, do their best to arouse interest in learning languages, using traditional way of teaching.

... Dear students, we care about you. We are trying to do our best to make you feel good at our school. We understand that if you enjoy our lessons, you will soon make progress in your study.

and it seems we are doing it the right way, as you have been with us since 1999. Thank you and we look forward to all the students!
RNDr. Eva Palušeková
EnPAL Language School
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