En haut
Test your English knowledge now!
Vyplňte tento formulár a pošlite nám ho, budeme mať vzhľad a odporučí kurz vhodný pre vás:
Question 1:
Ako by ste sa predstavili 2-3 vetami. / Introduce yourself in 2-3 sentences.
Question 2:
Ako sa spýtate na cenu napr. knihy. Napíšte aspoň 2 možnosti. / How to ask about the price of a book. Write at least 2 possibilities.
Question 3:
Ako reagujete na otázku: „What´s up?“ / Your answer to „What´s up?“
Question 4:
Chcete otvoriť okno v miestnosti, kde sú iní ľudia. Spýtajte sa či môžete, či im to nevadí. / Ask the other people in the room, if you can open the window and if they don`t mind.
Question 5: He .......... to America 5 years ago.
Question 6: He's been living in London .......... ten years.
Question 7: After he .......... to his girlfriend, he telephoned his mother.
Question 8: Martin is very .......... by football.
Question 9: If you came to the party, you .......... it.
Question 10: Veta znie/Read: Peter looks after his parents. Vytvorte otázku na odpoveď/ Create question with the answer: His parents.
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En haut
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